Theatre Set Builds
Not everyone has the in-house resources to undertake theatre set building. Whether you’re a college theatre, a temporary traveling production, or a world-class house for Broadway plays, Movie Prop Rentals can assist with your next performance. For more than two decades, our award-winning art directors, production designers, construction foreman, and able-bodied crew have built impressive structures for Hollywood motion pictures, indie features, Fortune 500 TV commercials, music videos, events, and theatrical productions both large and intimate. Our unique expertise assures you a functional, aesthetically pleasing set that audiences won’t soon forget.
Versatile Theatre Set Construction
Every set has different needs, but generally, all the sets we build are notably lightweight, yet durable, so they can be moved at a moment’s notice, as the story unfolds. Some shows require minimalist flat sets, while others require elaborate theatre set construction with rotating modules and different levels.
We can work with plywood construction frames secured with metal and weights, set on casters if mobility is necessary. Scenes can be painted, clad in any material, or draped with fabric to get the effect you desire. Multi-level platforms and moving parts are no trouble for our experienced crew. We once built a floating skate ramp for California Tourism; we can build anything!
Wood works for most sets, but 3D Foam Carving and Fabrication is a unique skill-set we possess with at our in-house studio. We’ve created larger-than-life storybooks, beanstalks, Candy Lands, food, and scenes from “Alice in Wonderland” with a 3D printer, expert craftsmen, and the right finishing touches. We work on tight deadlines, fabricating most theatre scenery in a week and “the impossible” within two weeks.
A Perfect Theatrical Setting Demands the Right Props
As our name suggests, prop rentals are a big component of what we do for theatre clients. We invite you to take a tour through one of our warehouses in Atlanta, Georgia or Miami, Florida to see what we offer. Or we could collaborate remotely through phone or email to find the right dressings for your set. Here are some of the many categories we can fully furnish for your theatre set:
Our art directors will ensure that every prop is meaningful and staged for maximum impact.
Do You Have Questions About Theatrical Scenery?
Theatrical scenery can be as simple as finding that one, perfect, time-period-accurate piece of furniture. Or it could plunge viewers into another world with impressive architecture, a variety of materials, and vivid colors. We can deliver curtains, flats, platforms, and scenery wagons alike. Contact us to discuss your next project in detail or to inquire about ongoing partnerships we offer. You’ll find that we are positive, upbeat, and detail-oriented.